The website of this Foundation is down. The Foundation was declared in May 2009 to «support government action in accelerated municipalization initiated by the State» in health and education.

In 2013, the Foundation offered ten ambulances for the health districts of the Plateaux region. 

In 2015, a homonymous Miroir association was registered in Switzerland. The two associations, in Congo and Switzerland, are chaired by Carombo Okounou, son of the former general director of the national company LINA CONGO. Alongside Carombo Okounou is Edgard MBERE, son of the late presidential doctor Grégoire MBERE.

The Carombo and Mbere duo manage the Foundation on behalf of Honorary President Edgard Rufin Serge Nguesso.

Carombo Okounou is also the President of ACNIC, the Congolese agency that manages the allocation of domain names in the Republic of Congo (.CG).
Repeatedly between 2013 and 2019, Carombo Okounou created and dissolved the company OXONOFF & CO LTD in London.

Although the objective of this company is unclear, Carombo almost assumes control with Christian OTTA, a Briton of Congolese origin and boss of CNL Consultants in Créteil in France, as well as Lin Gerard Ganga-Zandzou, a German citizen of Congolese origin. The latter, Lin Gerard Ganga-Zandzou, is the health and well-being representative for Congo Brazzaville of the Denim Club G100, a group led by the Indian Doctor Harbeen Arora Rai, which notably includes Jean Todt.

The Foundation has several charitable activities, but it has been impossible to identify a funding source. While the involvement of the oil companies RENCO and PUMA is visible for the Congo Assistance Foundation, we do not know how the Foundation of Edgar Rufin Serge Nguesso is financed.

On the other hand, beyond the health sector, the Generation A VENIR Foundation has donated several to the Canadian school of Brazzaville, a private education structure. For the school’s inauguration, Edgar Nguesso and the tutelary minister are highlighted on the school’s Facebook page. Without information on the website or publication in the official journal, it was impossible to identify the school management. All that appears is the domain name of the school was registered in the USA by the company Privacy Protect, LLC. 

The confusion is such that we must ask ourselves if the Canadian school in Brazzaville is not the property of Edgar Nguesso. A great deal of opacity surrounds this probable emanation of the Foundation.

Edgar Nguesso was indicted in 2017 for «laundering the embezzlement of public funds.» The courts seized his apartment, a triplex in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), France.

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