Toronto, Canada – [June 19 2024] – The Sassoufit Collective is thrilled to announce the release of « Toxic Ideology: How China is Shaping the Modern Republic of the Congo, » an insightful essay by Andréa Ngombet, now available on Apple Books. This compelling work delves into the complex political and economic relationship between the Republic of the Congo and the People’s Republic of China, offering a deep analysis of the historical and contemporary influences shaping Congo’s modern state.

Andréa Ngombet, a prominent political activist and founder of the Sassoufit Collective, explores the ideological roots of this alliance, examining how Chinese Maoist principles have influenced Congolese politics. The essay provides a thorough investigation into the financial dependencies created by Chinese investments and loans, highlighting the resulting neo-colonial dynamics.

In « Toxic Ideology, » Ngombet calls for a new Afro-Asian alliance for democracy and an end to the Westphalian international system, advocating for an endogenous democratic revolution to address the systemic issues perpetuated by external influences.

**Key Highlights of the Book:**

1. **Introduction**: The essay provides an overview of Congo’s political history and China’s significant role in its modern political landscape.

2. **Part 1 – The Roots of an Ideological Alliance**: This section traces the historical relationship between Congo and China, including early connections and ideological shifts influenced by Maoist principles.

3. **Part 2 – Win-Win Song of Debt and the 2016 Colonial Shift**: Ngombet discusses the financial dependencies created by Chinese loans and investments and how these have led to a neo-colonial dynamic in Congo.

4. **Conclusion**: The essay concludes with reflections on the need for a new democratic alliance and the role of Congo in global geopolitics.

Ngombet argues that China’s influence has perpetuated authoritarian regimes in Congo, drawing parallels between colonial exploitation and modern financial dependencies. The essay is a call for an endogenous democratic revolution and the end of the Westphalian international system to address these issues.


« Toxic Ideology: How China is Shaping the Modern Republic of the Congo » is now available for purchase on Apple Books. To download your copy, visit Apple Books.

**About Andréa Ngombet:**

Andréa Ngombet is a Reagan Fascell Fellow and Stanford Draper Hills Fellow. He is the founder of the Sassoufit Collective, an organization dedicated to promoting democracy and human rights in the Republic of the Congo. His work focuses on addressing political corruption and advocating for democratic reforms.

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